
Wind Band: Maestro Ravetto

Year 2016
Duration 6:44
Level 4
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    Maestro Ravetto Pasodoble de Concierto

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Estreno / Premiere

Esta composición se estrenó el día 30 de Diciembre en el Auditorio «Pala Conti» de Bussoleno (Italia) por la Società Filarmonica di Bussoleno dirigiendo el autor.

This composition was performed in the premiere performance on 30 December 2016 in the “Auditorium Conti Pala” of Bussoleno (Italy) by the Società Filarmonica di Bussoleno, (Italy) directed by the Author

Encargo / Commission

Società Filarmonica di Bussoleno

Società Filarmonica di Bussoleno

Instrumentación / Instrumentation

Picc. / Fl. 1,2 / Ob. 1,2 / Fg. 1,2 /
Eb Cl. /Cl. 1,2,3 / Bass. Cl. /
Alto Sax. 1,2 / Sax. Tn. / Sax. Bar. /
Hor. 1,2,3,4 / Fl. Horn. 1,2 /
3 Tpt. / 3 Trb. /
Euph. 1,2 / Bass / Vlc. (Opt.) / Cb. (Opt.) /
Timp. / 3 Perc.

Demo Score

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Dedicatoria / Dedication

Al Maestro Giuseppe Ravetto per la Sua vita dedita all’ evoluzione della Banda e per la passione e l’interesse che ha saputo infondere nei suoi giovani. Grazie al suo esempio di vero Maestro di vita è riuscito a far emergere  capacita’ e virtù in chi

To Maestro Giuseppe Ravetto for his life dedicated to the Band evolution and for the passion and the interest that He has been able to pass to its pupils. Because with his example of true master of life, he has managed to bring out capacity and virtue in


Maestro Ravetto

Pasodoble de Concierto

El maestro Giusseppe Ravetto es hoy un hombre de 87 años. Ha dedicado buena parte de su vida a la banda italiana. Su energía está concentrada sobretodo en la busqueda de un repertorio nuevo para mejorar la fomación musical de los jóvenes.

En el transcurso de su vida fue director de varias sociedades musicales; su última asignación tuvo lugar en la década 1989 -1999 que dirigió la Sociedad Filarmónica de BUSSOLENO.

El entusiasmo y dedicación fueron sus cualidades personales para ser capaz de transmitir a los demás, e inculcar en la reorganización de la escuela de música de Bussoleno. Gracias a su carisma logró difundir el arte entre los jóvenes y ser punto de referencia importante para muchos.

Su sabiduría ha apasionado el corazón de aquellos que han sido inspirados por él para convertirse en maestros de vida y músicos; Su ejemplo sigue siendo un pilar importante para cualquier persona en Banda reconocer un poderoso medio de expresión social y cultural al servicio de las personas y un baluarte contra el individualismo imperante.

Ecco un suo pensiero :


COSA È :  la musica e’ aria sonora .

COSA FA :  spiritualizza la Materia

COSA SERVE : solo con il perfetto equilibrio » spirito – materia » si può conoscere il vero senso della Vita.

«Giuseppe Ravetto»

Our conductor Giuseppe Ravetto is today a gentleman 87 years young that dedicated the most cheerful part of his life to the Italian bands. He has been focused mainly in the continuous renovation of the repertoire and in improving the music background of the youthful around him.

During his life he has been many times appointed Conductor in different musical groups and in particular his last assignment has been in the Bussoleno’s Filarmonica for a long decade, from 1989 till 1999.

Enthusiasm and dedication are his personal traits that he’s been able to transfer to people and the organizations surrounding him and he’s been the main player in the reorganization of the music school of Bussoleno. Thanks to his charisma he spreaded the art among the young population and became a reference person for so many.

His being wise put a flame in the heart of whom had taken from him the inspiration to become teachers and musicians. His example is still a light in the dark for the people identifying the band as a strong social and cultural mean of a country expression and a reference against the individualism gaining so much ground nowadays.


Partitura / Score

Maestro Ravetto

Pasodoble de Concierto

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